Friday, May 14, 2010


Hey everyone!!

Long time, no see!!

How are you all?

Who, me? I'm doing peachy, thanks for asking!

So I just got back from my first "real" run in this whole marathon training thing. I was PLANNING on logging 4 miles today. Instead, I logged 1.48 miles, mowed my yard and took my pooches on a 2 mile walk. SO, in my brain, I logged 4 miles.......ish. 

OKAY, OKAY! So I didn't log 4 miles and I failed my goal for today, and I could come up with lots of excuses as to why I didn't run another 2.52 miles, but I won't. I won't because excuses aren't worth the breath used to say them. Instead, I will apologize to myself and my running buddy(ies, if you exist) for not meeting today's goal, and say that NEXT TIME, I will make my goal. Why? Because I like being held accountable. And because I like meeting my goals. It makes me feel awesome. :)

Now, I am drooling over the Food Network and stinking up the house with my B.O. before I go shower before work. Well, shower before I go to Starbucks before work. Because Starbucks' Half-Price Frappy Hour ends today, and I am not about to miss out on that bizniz. No, sir. Green tea frap with peppermint and java chips, HERE I COME! Everyone has a vice. I have several. Starbucks is one of them. Buying dress clothes is another. (See yesterday's tweets about my plaid obsession at

So anyway, I just wanted to check in with you guys and say "Hi!" and that I FULLY INTEND to post a decent and long and wonderful foodie blog this weekend, so stay tuned!

Until then, remember this: Every day that you wake up in the morning is one more chance to do something spectacular. 

Also, remember this. This is one of my favorite quotes, and it is applicable to everyone: "Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things."

Have a great day!

Michael Dean

1 comment:

  1. Do you have a marathon plan you are following? I am training for a half marathon and am using Hal Higdon's training should check it out!
