Monday, July 12, 2010


Short sentences.

That's what I'm gonna be speaking in tonight. 

Maybe I'll just bullet this blog post.

I'm thinking in short, random bursts, so I guess that's how this blog is going to go. Sound good? GOOD!

  • Today's beer du jour. Freakin' delish. And don't judge me. I know this is 2 pale ales in 2 days, but it's summer. It's time for freakin' summer beer, ALRIGHT? Alright. :)
  • Tonight's supper: steak fajitas. home-grown yellow, orange and green bell peppers and a home-grown red onion marinated in lime juice, sprinkled with salt and pepper, grilled to perfection. Topped with homemade pico de gallo and a little sour cream. I'm in heaven. Like for serious. The only thing that would make this supper better? Black bean salsa. Oh wait. I had that, too. :)
  • Today: I decided that I'm going to have a great week. So far, so good. Turns out positive thinking really works. Like, for real. Seriously. (ha) Give it a shot this week, okay? It works. 
  • I am toying with the idea of a foot tattoo. Is that 100% not okay because I'm a guy? I honestly want to know, because the foot would be the ideal place for me to put something smallish and meaningful. I feel like I'm way too scrawny to get a tattoo in all the other "guy" places...Please offer input. 
  • I know that I will not be a graduate of Kansas State, but I feel like eventually, I will have a Powercat tattoo. K-State Alums and students, please understand that I will never ever love K-State any less than I did the day I was accepted, and a Powercat tattoo would simply be a token of my affection. Not a bragging right for being an alum or anything like that. Just sayin. 
  • I guess the previous two bullets mean I'll eventually have more than one tattoo, and I'm surprisingly okay with that.
  • I'm a cilantro freakazoid. Just sayin.
  • I'm also pretty sure that my veins and arteries are full of pico de gallo, instead of blood. I've been eating pico and (homemade) chips like...well, like my life depends on it. IT'S JUST SO GOOD. Also, Karen, if you're reading this, and I know you're reading this, home grown tomatoes are worlds better than store bought. Next time you go to the Farmers Market, please, treat yourself and buy a tomato. Or like six. And then email me for my pico recipe. And my vegan tortilla chip recipe. Turns out it's vegan because my Momma hates lard. This is just another sign that we're meant to be bffs.
  • That last bullet was not in short sentences, and was in fact, one long thought. Looks like I'm a hypocrite.
  • Another shout out to Karen: I work for a landscaping company. Do you think it odd that you're drawn to men who are involved in this line of work? I mean, I'm just sayin.
  • Apparently Karen is dominating my thoughts. 
  • So is booze.
  • Karen and booze.
  • I seriously stuffed myself stupid on fajitas, black bean salsa, pico, and beer tonight. I'm actually full. Sister One is scoffing right now, because she doesn't think I'll ever be full, but it's true. I'm full.
  • Jelly Belly jelly beans can make me smile. Any day. Any time. No matter what. Always.
  • So can Jolly Ranchers.
  • This Kansas summer weather is hell on my skin. I really need a break from it. Good thing I'm going to CO in August.
  • I'm going to CO in August. More specifically, Copper Mountain.
  • I'm running in the Rocky Mountain Warrior Dash.
  • Shel Silverstein and Jack Prelutsky shaped my childhood. Seriously.
  • It's 11:01. I think I should go to bed now.
Stay tuned for more positive thought-laced ramblings throughout the week. I think I'm FINALLY getting a handle on this daily blog thing. That's awesome, considering my blog's subtitle is "DAILY ruminations"...
Anyway, please have a wonderful night and a beautiful tomorrow. Find a reason to smile! :)
Sincerely yours,
Michael Dean Jimmy Jack McGillicuddy

**The title of this blog post is entirely unrelated to anything that is actually in the blog post. Just in case you hadn't figured that out yet...


  1. CRACKING UP right now! Freakin love you Jimmy :)

    Can we have a pico date soon?

  2. I am 100% against a guy getting a foot tattoo. A guy had one in my accounting class and I thought it was hella strange. However, you are an individual, so if anyone could pull it off, it would be you. What would you get?

  3. With all these shoutouts obviously I needed to comment. Also, I should have read your blog before emailing you. Then my email would have been longer. Here we go:
    A) Tattoos are awesome. If you get a powercat I'll be totally jealous. Looks like now I want another. Dammit! You can get one on your foot. I love that spot. I don't think it has anything to do with being a guy although I don't know any guys who have a foot tattoo. that wasn't very helpful.
    B)Cilantro is gross. Only in moderation (i.e. salsa) is it acceptable. Send me that pico recipe.
    C)And the chips recipe. Making your own chips sounds like a LOT of work. Maybe you should do a blog tutorial.
    D)I'm drawn to men who are confident. And complimentary of me. And who work with their hands.
    E)Also, don't worry, I dominate a lot of men's thoughts.
    F)Shel Silverstein shaped my childhood. I still have one of his poem memorized:
    My Beard by Shel Silverstein

    My beard grows to my toes, I never wears no clothes.
    I wrap my hair around my bare and down the road I goes.

