Monday, November 29, 2010


"Catharsis or katharsis (Ancient Greek: κάθαρσις) is a Greek word meaning "cleansing" or "purging". It is derived from the verb καθαίρειν, kathairein, "to purify, purge," and it is related to the adjective καθαρός, katharos, "pure or clean.""

Base root: Cathar.

" Cathar -1570s (implied in Catharism), from M.L. Cathari "the Pure," name taken by Novatians and other Christian sects, from N.T. Gk. katharezein "to make clean," from Gk. katheros "pure.""

I know that like, none of you did, but if you had Mrs. Ringler for high school English, you would have TOTALLY heard the word "catharsis". Mostly because she made us read literature that used words like "catharsis". Because she was a hard-ass. Anyway, in recent weeks, I have come to fully understand the importance of having a personal catharsis. And I use this word in the sense that a catharsis is used as a way to cleanse your mind and purge your crazy brain of clutter and stuff that needs to be purged. I ramble and digress. Sorry.
ANYWAY, like I said. I have come to really understand the importance of having a personal catharsis. But you've read that already. I say this because I have been seriously neglecting my catharsis, and my day-to-day has suffered. Immensely. I can't focus, I can't sleep. I'm a mess. There's a lot of crap going through my head these days, and I can't get it all figured out. It's super annoying. I really just need to rifle through my head and purge. Hence catharsis. 

What is my catharsis, you ask?


And I miss it. Terribly.

I'm joining a choir in January, I miss singing so much. 

Ridiculous? Perhaps. But I'm okay with that. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Operation: Change

This could be a long one, folks. Settle in.

Actually, no, it's not.
Some changes need to be made, and I'm going to make them. 

I'm not entirely happy with the way things are right now, and I'm going to remedy that.

Nothing is wrong, so quit freaking out. I'm just going to be making some alterations.

Stay tuned for updates. :)
