Friday, May 28, 2010


I want one.

A big, honkin', juicy cheeseburger. With lots of onions, and mayo, and ketchup, and delicious juicy tomato and crisp, fresh lettuce and two slices of cheese, on a deliciously buttered and toasted sesame seed bun. Hold the pickles, though. Pickles are cucumbers that have been evil.

I bet you want a cheeseburger now, don't you? If you don't, you should. Like now.

The reason I want one is because I ran my face off last night, and I loved it.

I really wish I could describe the awesomeness of this run to you all. I believe 'fepic' is an appropriate adjective. If you can't figure that one out, I'm sorry. You're on your own.

Seven(ish) glorious miles into the Kansas sunset with two AMAZING running buddies. 

Bah. I could go on for PAGES about how awesome last night's run was, but I have a feeling that repeating myself for pages about running wouldn't be the best idea. So instead, I'll just say that I am SO glad I decided to start running again, and I am SO grateful that I am physically and mentally able to do so. It is one of the most rewarding feelings I can imagine. :)

I apologize for the abrupt ending of this post, but I've got a sonny-do list waiting on me from Modge. Then I've got some rockin' social time coming up. And then, of course, work. Awesome, right? It's hell being so busy. ;)

I hope to have a secondary post up, tonight, so stay tuned, and enjoy your day!

Michael Dean

Monday, May 24, 2010


I'm just going to start off by saying that I apologize in advance for the rambling and possibly hard-to-follow nature of this blog post. This blog post will be long-winded. This blog post will not be as light and humorous as other posts. This blog post has been a while coming, and I've just now worked up the gumption to lay this all out there.

Some of you will not be pleased. Some of you will be proud. Some of you will say, "What in the hell is this kid going on about?"

All I can say, in reference to your responses, is that I am a blogger, and bloggers blog. I am also a guy who has had a ridiculous amount of issues with decisiveness and my lack, thereof, and the fact that this blog is all about my decisiveness is a big deal for me.

Anyway, I think that's enough disclaimer for one blog post. On to the meat of the matter.

Firstly, I am going to address something I alluded to a few blog posts back: Emporia State University. If any of you follow me on Twitter, you may have seen the tweet a while back, but I am attending Emporia State this fall. Not K-State. This is something I've thought about for a LONG time, and haven't talked about with anyone, really. Some of the people I haven't told yet could feel really offended that I didn't ever mention it to them, but in all fairness, this was my decision to make, so I thought that keeping my own interests and thoughts in mind would be best. I didn't want to be swayed. 
There are a few reasons I am attending ESU this fall. Firstly, it is much more affordable than K-State, and when college tuition and fees come out of your own pocket, affordable is a very very big selling point. Secondly, and this may sound like complete cop-out and bullshit reason to some, and that's fine with me, but I was away from home for 3.5 years. I was more or less out on my own, doing my thing, meeting some awesome people, doing many amazing awesome things. This last semester at home has made me realize that it's time for me to come back home, at least for a while.  I've loved being away and experiencing so many things that I NEVER would have gotten to even dream about, had I stayed here at home for college, but I also have loved being back home.....

Actually, I don't need all of these rambling explanations. I have made my decisions, and they're pretty much concrete until May 2011. At the VERY least December 2010.

I'm attending Emporia State this fall, and maybe next spring. I intend to move out of my parents' house this December. I may completely change my major to something totally unexpected to you all, but something right at home for me. Like business administration.  Or secondary education. Only...not secondary education. I can't handle hormonal kids with attitudes. 

ANYWAY, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it. Like Bob Dylan said, the times, they are a-changin', and I'm a-changin' with them.

My brain is pretty much incapable of stringing together any more cognitive thought for the night, so I'm leaving this post open to questions and comments that I can answer in my next post, to cover anything I've missed. Until then, I'll see you in the funny pages.

Here's to new roads and happy endings........hopefully.

Hasta Luego :)

Michael Dean

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Running Babble

Hey everyone! 

I'm just getting this out at the beginning: tonight's blog post is about running. If you don't want to read all of my sappy, ridiculous blathering about how amazing my run tonight was, just leave me a comment saying, "Michael, STFU and please start ruminating about stuff we care about now, please, thanks, appreciate it, bye."

If you're interested and/or curious to see what I'm going to say about how awesome I feel right now, by all means, continue reading. It only gets more positive and inspirational. :)

So today was a busy day. I woke up this morning, got around, and then played the "hurry up and wait" game for everyone else to get ready so we could go to Chase County for my cousin, Ashley's, high school graduation. Then we went back to my aunt and uncle's house for a while to chill, eat some DELICIOUS baked beans, went and visited my wonderful Golden Girls, Audrie and Kayla, came home, AND WENT ON A GLORIOUS AND AMAZING AND WONDERFULLY PERFECT RUN!!

You guys, I wish I could accurately articulate (five bonus points for awesome two more for two examples) the perfection of this run. It was absolutely euphoric. I was feeling great, I was positive, my iPod was rockin, and I just hit the road with a goal in mind, and that was it. I said that I was going to go run for 40 minutes.

Then I went out and ran for 40 minutes. 20 out and 20 back. I just...I'm not trying to beat a dead horse here, guys, but dang-a-lang. I started the run with a smile, because like I said, my iPod was just rockin. Halfway through my run, I was winded, but still feeling amazing. When my watch said "40:00" I was not only crossing the same line I started at (which means my pace was CONSISTENT WOO) but I was STILL smiling, and feeling wonderful.

I love runs like that, and I needed one, tonight.

I think that in order to make sure that I don't just ramble along with the same 4 sentences rephrased in every manner under the sun, I should just wind it down, now. It's my bedtime, anyway.

I'll be back tomorrow for another post that probably won't be (totally) about running. Until then, have an amazing night and a beautiful tomorrow.

Be thankful every day for what you've got, and don't forget to smile. :)

Michael Dean

Friday, May 14, 2010


Hey everyone!!

Long time, no see!!

How are you all?

Who, me? I'm doing peachy, thanks for asking!

So I just got back from my first "real" run in this whole marathon training thing. I was PLANNING on logging 4 miles today. Instead, I logged 1.48 miles, mowed my yard and took my pooches on a 2 mile walk. SO, in my brain, I logged 4 miles.......ish. 

OKAY, OKAY! So I didn't log 4 miles and I failed my goal for today, and I could come up with lots of excuses as to why I didn't run another 2.52 miles, but I won't. I won't because excuses aren't worth the breath used to say them. Instead, I will apologize to myself and my running buddy(ies, if you exist) for not meeting today's goal, and say that NEXT TIME, I will make my goal. Why? Because I like being held accountable. And because I like meeting my goals. It makes me feel awesome. :)

Now, I am drooling over the Food Network and stinking up the house with my B.O. before I go shower before work. Well, shower before I go to Starbucks before work. Because Starbucks' Half-Price Frappy Hour ends today, and I am not about to miss out on that bizniz. No, sir. Green tea frap with peppermint and java chips, HERE I COME! Everyone has a vice. I have several. Starbucks is one of them. Buying dress clothes is another. (See yesterday's tweets about my plaid obsession at

So anyway, I just wanted to check in with you guys and say "Hi!" and that I FULLY INTEND to post a decent and long and wonderful foodie blog this weekend, so stay tuned!

Until then, remember this: Every day that you wake up in the morning is one more chance to do something spectacular. 

Also, remember this. This is one of my favorite quotes, and it is applicable to everyone: "Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things."

Have a great day!

Michael Dean

Monday, May 3, 2010

Go the distance.

Speaking of going the distance...

I just registered for the 2010 Omaha Marathon.

What in the heck did I just get myself into?


Letter to a persuasive pal:

Dear Amy,
Why did you put this idea in my head? You got me all thinkin and runnin and stuff, and now I've registered for this darn marathon. I hope you're happy, lady. I'm not sure if I'm happy yet.

But I sure am excited. :)


That's all for tonight. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go ruminate over this decision.
And stretch.

Goodbye forever,

Michael Dean